
Showing posts from 2013

Tuesday Morning

There’s a slight possibility of a delay, if the storm really materializes really well, however, I’m not too confident in that and I think the roads will be relatively fine.   I’m thinking we’ll get just under an inch, and am officially predicting NO DELAY TOMORROW .   75-25 odds


Ok, I admit it's a little late to change my tune, but the weather forecasters changed it on all of us pretty quickly and late, too.  I honestly can't see them sending kids to school tomorrow.  I know they're waiting to make the call, since the forecast may not come true at all, but that seems unlikely with this storm.  COULD students get to school, just to turn around and get back home a couple of hours later...sure, but the snow iwll stop before we'd have to send anyone home, so we might as well wait it out.  COULD we just send everyone in at normal time and let it snow? Sure!  But that's a gamble I don't think anyone is willing to take.  Hence, I will UPDATE my prediction to no school tomorrow .  Looks like Valentine's weekend will be one day shorter for PV.  Unless the weather decides not to materialize...

and on to Tuesday!

I call an Early dismissal tomorrow – I think they’ll play it safe, especially once they see the snow falling around noon.   I’ve also seen us get dismissed early even when there has not been any snow falling at the time.   It’s not an insignificant amount, either (1-3 inches). Don’t bet your bottom dollar though… 65/35 odds.

For Monday...

Given the 1-3 inches and then freezing rain, but some regular plain ol’ rain during the day Monday, I’m predicting a 2-hour delay. Follow me @mrwebbpv for quicker updates... 

No impact from this "storm"

No worries about this storm - it won't impact schedules either today or tomorrow, but you might see some good flurries!

Later Today (9-6)

I'll happily take the loss that keeps us from adding another day on to June... Also, no early dismissal today.  Too warm.

Edgy one

Alrighty, soooooo....There's going to be slush on the roads in the morning, some more slush on the roads in the afternoon, and the only accumulation will be on the grass.  Hence, what I think SHOULD happen is we go in to school at regular time and get out at regular time.  I don't believe the roads will be bad enough to warrant anything.  HOWEVER, schools will operate on the safe side and cancel school.  Heck, they canceled school and all it did was sprinkle and blow some air around last time.  Therefore, even though it won't be necessary, I'm going to call NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!

Sooooooo...that didn't really happen...

Here in Ephrata, I've only seen fleeting snowflakes in the morning, and all rain (and periods of no precipitation) since then.  It'll probably bring some snow later in the afternoon, but that should get cleared up by early morning.  I think they'll try to get PV in at normal time, with other districts getting a two-hour delay.  I'll predict WE WILL HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW . Sigh, well, make it 8-6 - one loss for the lack of getting us in, one win for not having to be there in the afternoon as predicted.

Last big storm for this winter (7-5)

--> I’m thinking we’ll be able to get into school on time Wednesday morning, and then schools will make the decision to dismiss early.   Thursday is up in the air: I’d say a delay on Thursday, but we also have an early dismissal – don’t know what they’d do about that.   If you’re from a neighboring district reading this and you have a full day planned for Thursday, I’d bet on a 2-hour delay. FOR PEQUEA VALLEY, I predict NO DELAY, and an EARLY DISMISSAL on Wednesday (2 points up for grabs)   Thursday’s prediction will be made tomorrow, but I’m leaning toward at least a delay.

(6-5) Wednesday/Thursday

This is a bit of an early prediction, but I've been asked, so I'll deliver: Forecasts are all over the place with this one. Although I can’t rule out the possibility of a delay on Thursday, I’ll predict no weather delays or dismissals for Wednesday and Thursday with 90% confidence.   Subject to change tomorrow afternoon, however unlikely.

Icy Roads tomorrow (6-4)

Delay, if anything tomorrow.   It looks pretty good that it’ll be icy in the morning, but easily be treatable once the temperature rises.   I’m still not completely convinced (75-25), but since I'm in a good mood, I’ll call a TWO-HOUR DELAY TOMORROW morning.

No delay, no early dismissal

It looks too weak to drop enough for the morning commute, and it'll rain in the afternoon instead of snowing, making the roads "fine".


Stay tuned for Friday's prediction. 

No delay tomorrow - 100% Guaranteed

Not much going on with this system, though you may see some flurries in the morning.

Back down to 3-4

We only got a coating, if anything from this storm that was predicted to bring 1-2".  Oh well, next time...which may be tonight...

Two-Hour Delay Predicted for tomorrow

60-40 odds this time around.   It looks like snow is “possible” as opposed to imminent, but I’m edging toward a TWO-HOUR DELAY tomorrow, due to the accumulation predictions.   That’s where I’ll place my bets, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t amount to much.

No Delay Tomorrow

Yeah, I really don't see much happening with this random snow tonight, though weirder things have power going out during a major sporting event. But keep tuned for Monday night

No delay tomorrow, but probably flurries

Not much to say, but with a low % chance of precipitation that is less than 1/2", I'd say no delay.

Hanging my head... (1-3)

As I'm running this morning before school, in the unusually warm 55˚ weather with shorts and trying to cut through the 40mph wind gusts I get a call for a 2-hour delay.  I couldn't think of a reason why, but then I realized that the flooding is as bad as expected (worse even).  This became even more apparent when I couldn't get onto my normal road and had to take the long highway way to school.  Adding this loss to the lack of a predicted 2-hour delay last time, and I'm disappointed.  It has not been a normal winter so far, with all of the delays and closings related to flooding and not snow.

2-Hour Delay Predicted for tomorrow

For the first day of the new semester at the high school, you will likely have a treat of no enrichment and 2 hours of extra sleep.  It's hard to predict exactly how much snow/sleet/freezing rain we'll have, but I'm pretty sure we'll have enough for a delay, but not so much that the roads will be completely untravelable (is that a word?).  We are on the outer edge of the advisory zone, however the event may last into the afternoon....that means...well, I don't know - we COULD get no delay or we COULD get a day off, but I'm confident that a delay is the most likely scenario for Monday.

No delay tomorrow

It’s been over two months since we’ve had an event, probably due to a warmer than normal winter, and the events that would have affected school happened over the holiday.    Anyway…NO DELAY TOMORROW:   The roads may be a little slushy, but not enough to demand a delay.  Be wary in your transportations in the morrow.