
Showing posts from January, 2013

No delay tomorrow, but probably flurries

Not much to say, but with a low % chance of precipitation that is less than 1/2", I'd say no delay.

Hanging my head... (1-3)

As I'm running this morning before school, in the unusually warm 55˚ weather with shorts and trying to cut through the 40mph wind gusts I get a call for a 2-hour delay.  I couldn't think of a reason why, but then I realized that the flooding is as bad as expected (worse even).  This became even more apparent when I couldn't get onto my normal road and had to take the long highway way to school.  Adding this loss to the lack of a predicted 2-hour delay last time, and I'm disappointed.  It has not been a normal winter so far, with all of the delays and closings related to flooding and not snow.

2-Hour Delay Predicted for tomorrow

For the first day of the new semester at the high school, you will likely have a treat of no enrichment and 2 hours of extra sleep.  It's hard to predict exactly how much snow/sleet/freezing rain we'll have, but I'm pretty sure we'll have enough for a delay, but not so much that the roads will be completely untravelable (is that a word?).  We are on the outer edge of the advisory zone, however the event may last into the afternoon....that means...well, I don't know - we COULD get no delay or we COULD get a day off, but I'm confident that a delay is the most likely scenario for Monday.

No delay tomorrow

It’s been over two months since we’ve had an event, probably due to a warmer than normal winter, and the events that would have affected school happened over the holiday.    Anyway…NO DELAY TOMORROW:   The roads may be a little slushy, but not enough to demand a delay.  Be wary in your transportations in the morrow.