
Showing posts from March, 2013

Later Today (9-6)

I'll happily take the loss that keeps us from adding another day on to June... Also, no early dismissal today.  Too warm.

Edgy one

Alrighty, soooooo....There's going to be slush on the roads in the morning, some more slush on the roads in the afternoon, and the only accumulation will be on the grass.  Hence, what I think SHOULD happen is we go in to school at regular time and get out at regular time.  I don't believe the roads will be bad enough to warrant anything.  HOWEVER, schools will operate on the safe side and cancel school.  Heck, they canceled school and all it did was sprinkle and blow some air around last time.  Therefore, even though it won't be necessary, I'm going to call NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!

Sooooooo...that didn't really happen...

Here in Ephrata, I've only seen fleeting snowflakes in the morning, and all rain (and periods of no precipitation) since then.  It'll probably bring some snow later in the afternoon, but that should get cleared up by early morning.  I think they'll try to get PV in at normal time, with other districts getting a two-hour delay.  I'll predict WE WILL HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW . Sigh, well, make it 8-6 - one loss for the lack of getting us in, one win for not having to be there in the afternoon as predicted.

Last big storm for this winter (7-5)

--> I’m thinking we’ll be able to get into school on time Wednesday morning, and then schools will make the decision to dismiss early.   Thursday is up in the air: I’d say a delay on Thursday, but we also have an early dismissal – don’t know what they’d do about that.   If you’re from a neighboring district reading this and you have a full day planned for Thursday, I’d bet on a 2-hour delay. FOR PEQUEA VALLEY, I predict NO DELAY, and an EARLY DISMISSAL on Wednesday (2 points up for grabs)   Thursday’s prediction will be made tomorrow, but I’m leaning toward at least a delay.