Current Record: 4-2 Prediction: This seems to be an especially tough one to call. Snow won’t start until HS students are on the buses, leaving an hour of light snowfall time before the elementary kids are picked up. This also keeps us from seeing what the weather will be like before making a call. If they wanted to let kids out early, let’s say around 11 and 12, that’s when the snow will be picking up. I don’t think it’s unrealistic to say that this could be a repeat of that last early dismissal, so fill up your cars before coming to school tomorrow morning. As much as I’d like to say that we could get the kids in for what counts as a day, I think the county will play it safe and call off school tomorrow in the end. Perhaps there’s a chance the storm underperforms or starts much later than expected, or the roads are fine since the temp is above freezing, making us think we could have come in for a morning, but I don’t think they want busses getting stuck in the snow more ...