6 year review

As we start wishing and hoping for snow and cancellations (while also hoping everyone stays safe), it's entertaining to look back on previous years.  Here's a review of the last 6 winters' opportunities (chances), delays, closings, early dismissals, and my record, along with a few notable notes. 

This winter will be influenced by a strong El Nino, with 09-10 being similar, although a moderate El Nino. With a 60˚ Christmas, who knows what we'll get this year.

Winter 09-10
            Two big storms in a row bringing about a foot and a half each, the second cancelling three days of school (W-F) being a blizzard.
Delays: 4
            Closings: 4 (one on a SMUD)
            Early Dismissals: 1
            Chances: 19
            My record: 13-6

Winter 2010-2011
Delays: 5
            Closings: 4
            Early Dismissals: 1
            Chances: 16
            My record: 13-3

Winter 2011-2012
Delays: 1
            Closings: 0+1(flood)
            Early Dismissals: 0
            Chances: 9
            My record: 6-3

Winter 2012-2013
Delays: 0 (+1 – Flooding 1/31)
            Closings: 1 for rain that was predicted to be snow (+2 - Hurricane Sandy, not included in My record)
            Early Dismissals: 0
            Chances: 13
            My record: 8-5
            Overall, an interesting year, considering all of our events were for rain, although there were about 5 weeks in a row where significant snow fell on Friday evenings.

Winter 2013-2014
Delays: 6
            Closings: 6 (5 for snow, 1 for Wind Chill)
            Early Dismissals:  (1 for rain in October, not in record)
            Chances: 26
            My record: 18-8

Winter 2014-2015
Delays: 8
            Closings: 1
            Early Dismissals: 1    
            Chances: 28
            My record: 15-13



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