
Showing posts from December, 2019

Monday Redo? (1-1)

Prediction:   If you think I’m padding my stats, blame Smoker – he asked what my call will be for tomorrow. Oh, and the rumor is going around of a delay…Before I go there, let’s acknowledge the let-down this storm was by looking at Before/During weather maps from EPAWA: Quite a move North, and quite a bust! That said, it looks like we need to be careful out there tonight, but only the untreated surfaces will likely be slick. Our roads are treated, the temp is above freezing, and counter to what other schools may be doing already, there will be NO DELAY tomorrow.

Monday morning malevolence (1-0)

EARLY DISMISSAL : This is one of those rare times when all 4 options are on the table, however, here’s what I see as the most likely scenario: The snowfall overnight and into the morning is still uncertain, so I believe they will have to “See what it’s like out there” before calling a delay. I’m betting the roads will be fine, as we are in the part of the Winter Weather Advisory with much less accumulation expected.   HOWEVER, the snow will switchover to sleet and freezing rain, and ain’t nobody got time for kids being stuck on busses during a terrible afternoon commute. I foresee them letting us out early, maybe even earlier than a scheduled 12pm dismissal, to make sure everyone gets home safely.   This is not to say they won’t just cancel the school day, but I think we’ll be able to get kids in at least for a little while. 60-30-10 Early Dismissal-Cancel-No change odds

And so it begins...underwhelmingly (0-0)

Most forecasts are calling for "up to one inch" and it's warm today.  The roads are warm, too. Hence, even with the Welsh mountain possibly getting 2 inches, there will be NO DELAY TOMORROW and I'm 80% sure. Drive safe, but don't worry too much that the roads will be impassable.