Monday morning malevolence (1-0)

EARLY DISMISSAL: This is one of those rare times when all 4 options are on the table, however, here’s what I see as the most likely scenario: The snowfall overnight and into the morning is still uncertain, so I believe they will have to “See what it’s like out there” before calling a delay. I’m betting the roads will be fine, as we are in the part of the Winter Weather Advisory with much less accumulation expected.  HOWEVER, the snow will switchover to sleet and freezing rain, and ain’t nobody got time for kids being stuck on busses during a terrible afternoon commute. I foresee them letting us out early, maybe even earlier than a scheduled 12pm dismissal, to make sure everyone gets home safely.  This is not to say they won’t just cancel the school day, but I think we’ll be able to get kids in at least for a little while. 60-30-10 Early Dismissal-Cancel-No change odds


  1. Bold prediction. I'm thinking you've got a 90-70-40 chance of being wrong. As long as all are safe I'll take what comes.


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