Prediction for Jan 7th 2022
We’ve got a classic range of predictions that optimistically predict 6 inches, and pessimistically predict 1 inch, but pretty consistently stopping before sunrise. This usually makes me ride the fence regarding delay vs. closing. This time, I’m going to lean very strongly toward SCHOOLS CLOSING TOMORROW. Why? MUWeather advises “The biggest impact from the snow will be to create a treacherous Friday morning commute. Since temperatures will be in the 20s while it's snowing, untreated roadways will become snow-packed and slippery in a short amount of time. If at all possible, avoid travel during the early-to-mid morning hours on Friday.” And they predict southern and eastern Lanco picking up 5-6”. Additionally, EPAWA predicts a dry/powdery snow, which we PVers know will blow across the roads easily and consistently ‘round here.
There’s still a chance that it won’t be that bad, but I’m not betting on it. Take your laptop home, but set your alarm.
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