Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Winter Weather is OVER!

There's no such thing as a jinx, so I'm comfortable saying it...
Here's a summary of the 2013-2014 Winter Weather (in Pequea Valley)

Winter 2013-2014
Delays: 6
            Closings: 6 (5 for snow, 1 for Wind Chill)
            Early Dismissals: 0 (1 for rain in October, ignored for record)
            Chances: 26
            My record: 18-8

I'll take it!   A 69% success rate in predicting uncertain human behaviors in response to fairly (un)predictable weather predictions works for me.  This is by far the most chances (the second highest was 09-10 where we had 19 chances).  It was the first winter where Wind Chill was a consideration.  We also had the most closings in the past 5 years, after two years without a true snow day.  I'm guessing next year will be milder.  Only one way to find out!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Storm?

No delays or cancellations or dismissals on Tuesday or Wednesday.  It looks like it may or may not snow, but it probably won’t stick even if it does.